I have 2 groundhogs under my porch! They don’t like each other but tolerate each other & hear them squabble each other , 3 rd one must be underground in the woods I see it come over occasionally and eat with the other 2 and squirrels, birds , thought they were solitaire?
From what I've read, they do seem to be solitary. It may be why your two are fighting -- they may be encroaching on each other's territory? Or possibly the "fighting" is mating, but that usually happens in the spring. Interesting, to have 2 so close together...
they are cute til they start digging into your garage, shed under your house and start doing damage. Then they are not so cute. And getting them to move on is an almost impossible job.
Hey Heather now you know one more. I've been battling a ground hog for 5 years now! The first two years I let him be, he was cute and at the time didn't seem to bother anything. Then I realized he had burrowed under the footer of my kitchen and was living underneath my home which is on a concrete slab. He chose a section that's 6x12 that was added onto my kitchen. I can walk on that part of the floor and can hear the hollow sound caused by no dirt being underneath it anymore. His back door is underneath my shed. For the past 3 years I've tried everything except shooting him. I've used hair clippings, cat litter, Epson salt, powdered hot pepper even my own urine! I can't catch him in a trap either. Last fall he stole the 7×9 tarp I had bought and covered my mower with. Yes he dragged the whole thing into his hole. I won't go into details but he has forced me to go in the direction that's not humane. It's going to cost me 1000s of $$ to repair the damage he has done that's why I'll be able to get rid of him and not have a guilty conscious.
im so excited. i think I have a groundhog hole in my yard! they picked me! How can i be sure and how can I keep people from stepping in this huge hole as its right by my deck. Also when is it safe to fill it in as it is sooooo deep?
Cool! Keep an eye on it to see if you see Mr. Groundhog popping his/her head up out of the hole. If there's no activity, then it could just be a weird hole or it might be an abandoned groundhog hole. In which case, you can fill it up without disturbing animal habitat -- try putting rocks in it first, to take up space, before filling it with dirt. If there is groundhog activity, see if you can find the other entrance. Hopefully the hole by your deck isn't the main entrance. You don't want the hole compromising the stability of your deck if it's close to one of the posts...
I have 2 groundhogs under my porch! They don’t like each other but tolerate each other & hear them squabble each other , 3 rd one must be underground in the woods I see it come over occasionally and eat with the other 2 and squirrels, birds , thought they were solitaire?
From what I've read, they do seem to be solitary. It may be why your two are fighting -- they may be encroaching on each other's territory? Or possibly the "fighting" is mating, but that usually happens in the spring. Interesting, to have 2 so close together...
they are cute til they start digging into your garage, shed under your house and start doing damage. Then they are not so cute. And getting them to move on is an almost impossible job.
I know a few folks who have an ongoing war with them...
Hey Heather now you know one more. I've been battling a ground hog for 5 years now! The first two years I let him be, he was cute and at the time didn't seem to bother anything. Then I realized he had burrowed under the footer of my kitchen and was living underneath my home which is on a concrete slab. He chose a section that's 6x12 that was added onto my kitchen. I can walk on that part of the floor and can hear the hollow sound caused by no dirt being underneath it anymore. His back door is underneath my shed. For the past 3 years I've tried everything except shooting him. I've used hair clippings, cat litter, Epson salt, powdered hot pepper even my own urine! I can't catch him in a trap either. Last fall he stole the 7×9 tarp I had bought and covered my mower with. Yes he dragged the whole thing into his hole. I won't go into details but he has forced me to go in the direction that's not humane. It's going to cost me 1000s of $$ to repair the damage he has done that's why I'll be able to get rid of him and not have a guilty conscious.
im so excited. i think I have a groundhog hole in my yard! they picked me! How can i be sure and how can I keep people from stepping in this huge hole as its right by my deck. Also when is it safe to fill it in as it is sooooo deep?
Cool! Keep an eye on it to see if you see Mr. Groundhog popping his/her head up out of the hole. If there's no activity, then it could just be a weird hole or it might be an abandoned groundhog hole. In which case, you can fill it up without disturbing animal habitat -- try putting rocks in it first, to take up space, before filling it with dirt. If there is groundhog activity, see if you can find the other entrance. Hopefully the hole by your deck isn't the main entrance. You don't want the hole compromising the stability of your deck if it's close to one of the posts...
These little guys are so cute. We have nothing like them in New Zealand.
Also, those biologists and their digging up of the burrows... the things people do in the name of science.
I know! I like to think we're a bit more considerate in our studies of nature nowadays...