Thanks for sharing the dragon tail butterflies, wild!

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You're welcome! I wish some lived around me so I could see them live...

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But tongue in cheek aside, me too! They are so cool!

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With globalization and climate change, it could happen!

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I have twice pulled a black snake out of my bluebird house which is mounted on a piece of electrical conduit. I also once witnessed one attacking a nest in a maple tree. Every spring I usually hear mocking birds defending their nest but can't usually get high enough to see what's happening. I just assume it's a black snake feeding. Great article.

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If I had the power and wisdom I would create a world where life didn't have to consume other life to survive. Yesterday I saw hummingbird behavior I had never observed before. An Anna's hummingbird after sipping from blossoms in our Salvia "jungle" hovered down to the ground and pecked at a rock repeatedly. After she flew away I checked the rock and there were ants on it. Nature is red in beak and claw. Even beautiful little hummingbirds kill other life.

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That would be a wonderful world... imagine how that would change interactions across the board.

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